Travel withouth waste riccivagabondi

Dear Wandering Spirit,

Our planet is so wonderful, but sometimes we forget that. šŸŒ±

How can we contribute to making our planet a better place to live and explore? How can we travel without waste?

Travel withouth waste riccivagabondi

We all generate pollution every time we leave our home.

Of course, we cannot fix the environmental dilemma on our own. However, we can still play our role. We are only given this chance, and we can contribute by taking up a few good habits! šŸ’”

Here my 5 simple tips to reduce waste while travelling:

#1 Reusable Cutlery

Live the motto, ‘Bring your own bottle!’

I am not talking about partying here though. The small plastic bottles we all buy when we are on holiday are literally a NO GO for Mother Nature. Plastic is hard to recycle and dangerous for the planet. šŸ§ƒ

Although we need plastic for many important applications, we should avoid it as much as possible when travelling. How can we cut it out?

First of all, reusable water bottles, thermoses for hot drinks and biodegradable cutlery are everyday heroes. It is a simple gesture, but it does make the difference.

Travel withouth waste riccivagabondi

#2 Check Your Carbon Footprint

How many of you love travelling? I think most of us. I particularly love the sound of the plane taking off. For me it sounds like a new adventure is about to begin. I have a few places on my travel bucket list that are part of longer journeys. Check them out here.

Unfortunately, though, it is less romantic than that. Each take-off and landing causes air pollution by releasing carbon dioxide emissions into the sky. ā™»ļø

What can we do about that? Always book direct flights whenever possible (more fuel is emitted by take-offs and landings). If your airline offers it, tick the little box to help reduce your carbon footprint by sponsoring environmental projects.

Travel withouth waste riccivagabondi

#3 Yes to Local Cuisine, no to Packaging

Try to order local food every time you are travelling. šŸ‘Øā€šŸŒ¾

I know it is tempting to go back to snacks. They are easy and you can find them everywhere, but they are not always eco-friendly.

Be careful with the packaging and never ever use plastic straws. I once ordered an iced coffee in a paper cup, but I got a plastic straw too. How insane is that!Ā 

#4 Zero Waste Travel Toiletries

Each of us carries toiletries travel kit.

If we all use an eco-friendly travel kit (including travel-sized shampoo bottles, body lotions, toothbrushes, toothpaste), we would be considered eco-heroes! šŸ’§

Bamboo toothbrushes, homemade toothpaste, and reusable pads for make-up are available. Come on people, we can do it!

#5 Digital and Paperless

Print as little as possible!

Save all your boarding passes and tickets onto your smartphone instead of printing them. Do not collect physical receipts unless it is absolutely necessary. šŸ¤³

Also, use your own devices on board or during visits. Do not ask for plastic disposables, like single use headphones.

Travel withouth waste riccivagabondi

Gandhi said,

Always remember
to be the change
you want to see in the world

It all starts with baby steps and our growing awareness of the pollution around us. It is not easy, I know. We can all contribute to saving the planet with small gestures every single day. šŸ™Œ

Do you have further recommendations? Feel free to comment here below. Iā€™d love to hear how you travel without waste! šŸ’šĀ 

Travel withouth waste riccivagabondi

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