Woman inserting coins into a piggy shaped white monex box

Dear Wandering Spirit,

Did you know that it is possible to travel with very little money? Whoever is trying to convince you that it is not possible to travel on a budget, and that travelling is a rich people’s hobby, is definitely wrong!

Keep reading for more info and start planning your next travel!

Passport, travel ticket, globe map and a small plane in white

The Life Paradox

You all know that sometimes life works in a funny, twisted way. When you are young, you dream of travelling everywhere. You have tons of energy, enough free time but – guess what – little money! As an adult, you start earning money and you still have energy, but you do not have spare time! 🤷‍♀️

And finally, when you are older, you hope for the best-case scenario. You have gained time again and might have some money saved too, but what about energy? It is a gamble. There is probably an old saying behind those words, or maybe it is just folk wisdom. Either way you must find your way out of the paradox.

View of riccivagabondi watching paintings

Travel on a Budget

It might sound naive, but there is literally no other option. Do not believe that only rich people travel. You can do it with only a little money too. To travel the world, you only need strong organisational skills (and a little luck). 🧳

Considering overall travel costs, we can break these down into few big categories: transport, accommodation, food, and related expenses. Also, there are things you can do prior to travel and during your trip to write off your expenditure. Let us have a detailed look, without further ado.

Closeup shot of an entrepreneur working from home on his personal finances and savings Free Photo
  • Flights can be high cost, especially if you plan faraway travel.
    Therefore, book your flight months in advance. All the rest you can arrange little by little. 💸
  • Looking for some adventure? Do not stick to a specific destination, pack a light suitcase, and try last-minute or even last-second solutions!
  • Time is both an enemy and an ally: consider flexible flight dates and off-season travelling. Also check cancellation and rescheduling fees.
  • What about on-site transportation? Pick the cheapest solution: your feet. Walk, walk… and walk. Many places offer a variety of free walking tours you do not want to miss.
  • Are you taking a break from work or studies? Travel slow and buy a rail pass. You will take incredible pictures and explore great unknown places too. 🚇
View of riccivagabondi into a tram cab in Portugal
Asian rice with vegetable served on a bamboo leash.

I am going to say something obvious, but always look for the cheapest solution!

  • I understand that not everybody fancies sleeping in an 8 to 12 bed dormitory, but you can’t get cheaper. Are you staying in a hotel? Avoid full-pension and tick only breakfast included.
  • What about private apartments and rooms in a shared flat? Services like Airbnb offer solutions for any budget in almost any location. 🔑
  • A more adventurous solo traveller? A sleeping bag and tent are your companions. Be careful because you cannot free camp everywhere, but there are many legally free camping spots in every country. Also, it pays off to save money for a van – if you plan to visit more destinations in one shot.
  • Last but not least, try home-sitting and pet-sitting. 🐶 You get a roof over your head for free, and if you are lucky enough, you might sleep in a villa!  In return, you do grocery shopping, clean the house, or walk the dog.

Fair enough, isn’t it?

Tourist from mountain top. sun rays. man wear big backpack against sun light
Food and drinks

Premise: We hit a nerve here. Maybe it’s because of my Italian origins (food is sacred!), or maybe it is just my delicate belly. One thing is certain: I am not easy to accommodate when it comes to food.

  • Local food is cheaper than international food in many places.
    Street food can fill you up during the day. 🍡
  • Buy some snacks at the supermarket to stave off hunger from one visit to another.
  • Avoid plastic water bottles (they’re not eco-friendly – read why here) and travel with your reusable bottle.
  • Also, you could advertise your extraordinary cooking skills and serve food to locals if they go grocery shopping for you. Check out the Eatwith platform for incredible dining experiences
  • If you sleep in a rented house, you should definitely cut costs by cooking your own meals. 🛒 Prepare a lunch box if you are staying out all day! 
View of boots at the harbour on a sunny day
Related expenses

There are a few but extremely useful apps for travellers. E.g. Wifimap to catch free Wi-Fi hotspots almost anywhere.

  • Call your family via Skype or Zoom if you do not have an international calls rate. 📲
  • At local markets, you might haggle a bit but please, be respectful of the locals and conscious of their livelihoods.
  • Keep track of your travel expenses. You can use an app or make it old-school on a piece of paper. Visualize your expenditure and set a daily budget for pocket money.
  • Prior to travel you should consider travel insurance. 🩹 It might sound contradictory, but you prevent huge medical costs if something happens when you are abroad. Therefore, I recommend not to cut these costs.
  • And finally, start earning miles and points whenever you use your credit card. It will be a great surprise to get a free flight when you have reached 10,000 miles.
Woman inserting coins into a piggy shaped white monex box

Will you plan your next travel soon? Do you manage to travel on a budget and what is your strategy?

If you are a young traveller, check out here for more travel hacks too.

Useful links

Food & related expenses