Travel flat lay composition with world map and numbers 2022 on blue background, coronavirus travel planning concept.

Dear Wandering Spirit,

Have you ever thought of travelling on festive days? Keep reading to discover why you should start now!

World map with flags on the sand on a sunny day

Travelling on Festive Days

Another year is turning to an end. Despite anything that may have happened in 2021, this one particular moment of the year has come: everyone starts doing the maths. We all start thinking of what we have reached so far and what we wish to accomplish in the coming year. 💯

I always think we are made of five key elements: our personal improvement, our professional development, our family, our social life and our creative moments. For this reason, I take these five parts of myself into account when I ask myself:  what have I achieved? Is there anything I should have done differently? 🤔

What better way to conclude the year and think about everything than when we are travelling? Of course, travelling on festive days requires special planning or at least a different state of mind. It has pros and cons. Keep reading to learn more about it!

View of a summer hat, a bag and a vintage camera on a sunny day
View of a Christmas tree made of sand by riccivagabondi

Travelling Around Christmas

In many countries where the Christmas tradition is spread, most people spend these days with their families or at least partially. When I was younger, there was usually a Christmas Eve Dinner on Dec 24th with many, many plates.

After the evening Mass, we used to wait until midnight, and then started unwrapping the gifts. 🎁 I remember this collection of holy and unholy moments as pleasant, loud and funny.

When I grew up and moved out to another country, I was not always able to travel home for Christmas. To overcome the depressive feeling of being far away from home, I chose to at least travel around my place and discover the surroundings. And you know what? It is a great experience to recover from a long year full of happenings.

Let’s have now a look at the advantages and disadvantages of travelling around Christmas. ⬇️

Beautiful christmas composition congratulating the christmas season
Pros of travelling on festive days
  • You take time off for yourself and recharge your batteries exactly when you need it most. Without the usual daily routine and the noise, you can best focus on yourself.
  • You enjoy other countries’ celebrations and spectacles. Especially cities like New York, Tokyo and Sydney which are famous worldwide for their NYE events!
  • In some faraway destinations, it is hot summer. Why not be sipping a colourful cocktail watching the ocean waves for once in your life? 🍹
View of a plane flying over the sky
Cons of travelling on festive days
  • In some countries, shops and events run until the day before Christmas. For this reason, you should check upfront what to do on a festive day when you are abroad. Sightseeing is always great, but prepare your plan B in case any restaurant in town shuts down on that day.
  • Plan in advance where to travel for great deals. In some countries, it is peak time. Although seaside and sandy beaches are the best way to relax sometimes, it can turn really expensive.
  • Especially in those places where your Christmas tradition is not felt, you might have a sense of alienation. 👽 Where did all decorations go? Why do people keep running business as usual? Take this into account if you’re travelling for the first time to a non-celebrating place!
View of a toy white plane and a travel world map in the background

Travelling After the Festive Days

Travelling straight after Christmas is also fascinating.

This last day of the year especially is somehow mysterious and yet very self-reflecting. Whether you are just going next door, visiting another nearby city, another close country, or even a faraway destination, you will discover how powerful and inspiring these travel moments can be for your new year. 🧘

Take your backpack and blast off to somewhere! And even if you choose to postpone any travel to the first days of the new year, you are still making a great choice.

It can have a huge cost advantage, as it is considered low-seasons in some places, but also a tremendous opportunity to wash off the past year and start fresh the new one. You will feel reborn when you return to work.

View of riccivagabondi travelling on festive days
View of vintage luggages with boots on it and a plane in the background

Best Moment for Christmas Travelling

If you are on a budget, travelling off-season is the most reasonable option. Low-cost travelling is possible, and you can check out here for further recommendations.

Travelling before Christmas might sound extreme to some folk, as you take time from your family and beloved, but it is surely the most effective solution to switch off and relax. 🌴

Whether you are travelling before, during or after the festive days, remember that ending or starting a year on the road is beneficial for your mind and soul.

While making great new memories, you can reorganise your thoughts, ponder new ways of thinking, and undo some crucial knots. You will only profit from this and come back as a brand-new person, a better version of yourself!

Travel flat lay composition with world map and numbers 2022 on blue background, coronavirus travel planning concept.

If you are not looking for far-away destinations, maybe you will consider places near you with stunning Christmas markets. Check them out here!

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